The Epistle to the Hebrews

These studies were presented at WIBC in 2019-2020. Detailed study questions on the book are available.

MP3 Audio Files
Single Messages
Study on Hebrews 11
Background Studies
Charts on the background in Acts
Charts on the background in Romans
Charts on the background in Colossians
Notes on the Historical Background
Acts: Jewish Jealousy
Romans: Jew and Gentile in the Church
Colossians: The Gentile Perspective
Overview of Hebrews
Charts on the overview of Hebrews & 1:1-2
Notes on overview and 1:1-4
Overview of the book & 1:1-2
1:1-10:31 Person & Work of the Son of God
1:1-4 Introduction
Charts on 1:2-6
Charts on 1:7-2:4
Charts on 2:5-18
Notes on 1:5-2:18
1:2-6 Introducing the Son
1:5-2:18 Person: the Son & the Angels
1:7-2:4 Our Exaltation and Responsibility
2:5-18, The Son on Earth
3:1-10:31 Work: the Son & the Priesthood
Charts on 2:17-3:6
Charts on 3:6-19
Charts on 3:14-4:11
Charts on 4:1-13
Notes on 3:1-4:13
Charts on 4:14-5:10
Charts on 5:11-6:6
Charts on 6:7-20
Charts on 7:1-19
Charts on 7:11-28
Notes on 4:14-7:28
Charts on 8:1-13
Charts on 8:8-9:10
Charts on 9:7-15
Charts on 9:14-22
Charts on 9:23-10:4
Charts on 10:2-14
Charts on 10:8-18
Charts on 10:15-21
Charts on 10:19-23
Charts on 10:23-31
Notes on 8:1-10:31
Charts on 10:26-31
2:17-3:6, The Faithful High Priest
3:6-19 Warning: The Test of Faithfulness
Audio of the study on 3:14-19 is not available
4:1-13 The Rest that Remains
4:15-5:10 The Merciful High Priest
5:11-6:6 Dealing with Stagnant Believers
6:7-20 Signs of Life; Grasping the Promise
7:1-10 Melchizedek Superior to Abraham
7:11-28 Melchizedek and Jesus Superior to Levi
8:1-13 Introduction to the New Covenant
8:8-9:10 The Sanctuary of the Old Covenant
9:7-15, But Christ
9:14-22, The Death of the Testator?
9:23-10:4 Our Lord's Superior Gifts
10:2-7, Our Lord's Obedience to the Father
10:8-18, The Spirit's Witness
10:15-21, What God Remembers and Forgets
10:19-23, Our Possessions and Duties
10:23-31, Two Duties and a Warning
10:26-31, Warning: Willful Sin
10:32-13:25 Life of the Sons of God

Charts on 10:32-11:2
Charts on 11:1-6
Charts on 11:5-12
Charts on 11:8-13
Charts on 11:14-22
Charts on 11:20-27
Charts on 11:23-29
Charts on 11:28-31
Charts on 11:32-38
Charts on 11:36-40
Charts on 11:40-12:4
Charts on 12:2-11
Charts on 12:11-13
Charts on 12:14-17
Notes on 10:32-12:17
Charts on 12:18
Charts on 12:18-23
Charts on 12:23-27
Charts on 12:25-13:2
Charts on 13:1-8
Charts on 13:7-9
Charts on 13:10-14
Charts on 13:15-16
Charts on 13:17-20
Charts on 13:18-21
Charts on 13:21-25
Notes on 12:18-13:25
10:32-11:2, Example and Exhortation
11:1-6, Whose Faith?
11:5-12, Responding to God's Promises
11:8-13, The Faith of Abraham
11:14-22, God's Gifts and Confessing our Faith
11:20-27, Confessing our Faith and Accepting Rejection
11:23-29, Accepting Rejection: Moses
11:28-31, Accepting Rejection: The People
11:32-38, The Consequences of Faith
11:36-40, The Consequences of Faith: Suffering
11:40-12:2, The Race of Faith
12:2-11, Considering Jesus
12:11-13, Considering Brethren: Stumblingblocks
12:14-17, Considering Brethren: Apostasy
12:18, Introduction to the Final Warning
12:18-23, Mt Sinai and Mt Zion
12:23-27, Mt Zion and the God of Sinai
12:25-13:2, The Voice from Heaven and Earthly Examples
13:1-8, Love One Another
13:7-9, Faithful Teachers and False Doctrine
13:10-14, The Believer's Altar
13:15-16, Spiritual Sacrifices
13:16-20, Church Leaders and the Chain of Prayer
13:18-21, Prayer Requested and Offered
13:21-35, God's Equipping and Our Fellowship
Final Summary

Summary Charts Part 1
Summary Charts Part 2
Summary Notes
Summary Part 1
Summary Part 2

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