Over the years, I have discovered a wide range of study materials that are available on the web. This page gathers some of these links together. I've also posted some material by other authors who have graciously allowed me to make some of their work more widely available.

Bible Texts

The actual text of the Bible, in both Greek, Hebrew, and various translations, is available online for those who prefer to access it through a browser. I've listed only a few of the dozens of sites that offer the text. In addition, Bible software includes Bible texts that you can read on your computer even when you are not on-line. 

e-Sword, the best free Bible software, now has an on-line version that makes many of its resources available through a browser without installing the software. In addition, this site has a host of useful resources available for e-Sword.

The Blue Letter Bible includes a number of English translations, Hebrew and Greek interlinear texts, and commentaries and other tools.

The Unbound Bible offers Hebrew, Greek, and numerous translations in a format that facilitates side-by-side comparison.

The BibleWebApp is a fascinating collection of tools that exploit browser technology to link and access the biblical text in different ways. In particular, the Reader offers the Greek and Hebrew text with adjustable mouse-over to show you as much or as little help as you want on individual words.


Scott Sperling's Classic Christian Library is a very well-organized collection of commentaries and other classic works, collected from Google Books and the Internet Archive. In addition,  Ted Hildebrandt's collection contains many classic commentaries that he has digitized himself.

Whole Bible
John Gill was an eighteenth century reformed Baptist with an extensive knowledge of the Jewish commentators. His commentary on the whole Bible is available from a number of sources; I find the one integrated with ESword the most convenient. I don't agree with his preterist position, but his insights drawn from Jewish interpretations are extremely helpful.
Matthew Henry's complete commentary (not the abridged version) is also widely available; again ESword's version is very easy to use. He is verbose, but full of deep insights, from a reformed perspective.
Tom Constable's detailed notes on the Bible include an extensive collection of observations from other scholars, from a mainly dispensational perspective.
Old Testament
Keil and Delitzsch is a classic Old Testament commentary from two evangelical Lutheran scholars of the 19th century, presuming some knowledge of Hebrew. It's well known to every seminary student, and available free in ESword.
New Testament
Alford's English NT
Alford's notes (from his Greek NT) are available for eSword here .
One of the most overlooked works on the psalms is James Thirtle's book explaining the titles of the Psalms. 
Here is a useful blog on the Psalms.
Robert Dick Wilson, Studies in the Book of Daniel
1 Corinthians
Charles Hodge
Charles Ellicott
Charles Ellicott
Charles Ellicott

Other Studies

Bruce Hollenbach's paper on clause subordination in New Testament Greek, a powerful but little-known grammatical principle.

Robert Longacre's paper on paragraph structure, which provides an important tool for analyzing biblical texts at higher levels than just the sentence.

Edersheim's Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah and The Temple--Its Ministry and Services are essential sources for the gospels.

R.C. Trench, Synonyms of the New Testament is a classic study of NT Greek vocabulary.

J.J. Blunt's Undesigned Scriptural Coincidences is a wonderful collection of insights gained by comparing scripture with scripture.

Heylyn has a useful History of the Sabbath.

Anstey's Romance of Bible Chronology is an exhaustive study of the chronology of the OT.



In the B.C. era (Before Computers), I found the most essential tools for Bible study to be the Bible, an unabridged concordance (I always used Young's, but Strong's is fine too), and the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. With the advent of computerized Bible search programs, you can do everything you could with those tools, and a lot more as well.

For English-language study on Windows, you can download some excellent shareware programs at no expense:

If you have Windows and can use Hebrew or Greek, I strongly recommend the BibleWorks program for technical exegesis. Its search facilities are both more powerful and much, much faster than those in the Logos software package, and the program itself is much more robust. (However, Logos offers a clearly superior interface for reading books about the Bible.)

For Macintosh, here are some options:

On my Android, my favorite Bible program is CadreBible. I especially like the availability of free Greek and Hebrew Bibles, linked verse-by-verse to the English text. Olive Tree is available for Android and iPhone, but there's a charge for Greek and Hebrew. For Blackberry, the Noah Bible Study Viewer is available for a nominal fee. top

Graphical Aids

Often, it's useful to have graphical aids to illustrate a study. Here are some good sources:




Chronological Diagrams, with good information on synchrony among different nations, though I prefer the dates adopted in the BibleWorks timeline. top


CCEL has an excellent collection of hymn tunes, extensively indexed not only by name and meter but also by incipit (the first few notes, so that if you can hum a tune, you can find it quickly).

NameThatHymn is also devoted to searching for hymns, with a focus on the words.

For hymn words, the best site known to me is Hymntime (the new home of the contents formerly hosted at CyberHymnal.org, but greatly improved). In particular, the Scriptural index is much better now. Music is also available for download in a form that you can load into popular composition software such as Noteworhty Composer.

Hymnary is an excellent source for printable versions of old hymns, both words and music.


Other Websites

The Christian Classics Ethereal Library offers the broadest range of Christian literature on the web.

The Ages Library offers a wide range of material at very reasonble prices. Their Calvin CD is an excellent foundation for exegesis.

The most comprehensive and easiest-to-use collection of Christian literature is offered by Logos, but individual works are quite expensive. This system also offers reasonable Bible search tools (but see the software section on this page for better alternatives).

Ted Hildebrandt maintains a very rich site full of pointers to classic exegetical literature.

Princeton Seminary Library is putting much of its holdings on-line for public access.