Studies in the Revelation (30 years later)

We originally studied the Revelation Dec 1993 through April 1995 at Washtenaw Independent Bible Church, Ann Arbor, MI. Those studies are available here. Recently, we have been led of the Lord to revisit this book. No attempt has been made to ensure consistency with the first series of studies.

MP3 Audio Files
Overview and 1:1-8
Charts on Overview
Charts on 1:1-6
Charts on 1:5-7
Charts on 1:7-8
Notes on Introduction and 1:1-8
Introduction to the Revelation
The Title of the Book
Revelation as a Letter
Promised Coming
First Vision "In the Spirit":
1:9-3:22, Seven Letters to the Churches
Charts on 1:9-13
Charts on 1:11-17
Charts on 1:17-20
Charts on 1:2-2:1
Charts on 2:1-6
Charts on 2:4-7
Charts on 2:7-9
Charts on 2:8-11
Charts on 2:12-17
Charts on 2:17-23
Charts on 2:20-29
Charts on 2:24-3:3
Charts on 3:2-6
Charts on 3:5-6
Charts on 3:7-9
Charts on 3:8-11
Charts on 3:12-13
Charts on 3:14
Charts on 3:18-22
Notes on  Rev 1-3
The Lord Appears to John
The Lord and the Candlesticks
Final Introduction to the Letters
Introduction to Ephesus
Ephesus: Praise, Criticism, Exhortation
Ephesus: Criticism, Exhortation
End of Ephesus and Start of Smyrna
Smyrna: Satanic Attack
Pergamos: Satan's Seat
Manna, White Pebble, and Thyatira
The Lord Searches Thyatira
Overcomers in Thyatira and Failure in Sardis
First Aid for an Ailing Church
Promises to Sardian Overcomers
Praise for Philadelphia
Promises to Philadelphia
From Philadelphia to Laodicea
The Lord's Introduction to Laodicea
More to Laodicea
Conclusion to the Seven Letters
`Second Vision "In the Spirit":
4:1-16:21, Three Cycles of Seven Judgments
4:1-8:5, Seven Seals Charts on 4:1-3
Charts on 4:1-7
Charts on 4:5-8
Charts on 4:8-11
Charts on 5:1-5
Charts on 5:5-8
Charts on 5:8-10
Charts on 5:9-14
Charts on 5:11-13
Charts on 5:13-14
Notes on Rev 4-5
Charts on 6:1-8 (introduction)
Charts on 6:1-8 (detail)
Charts on 6:6-9
Charts on 6:9-10
Charts on 6:10-119
Charts on 6:12-7:4
Charts on 7:2-9
Charts on 7:9-14
Charts on 7:13-17
Charts on 7:16-8:1
Charts on 8:2-5
Notes on Rev 6-8a, The Seven Seals
John Visits the Heavenly Court
Thrones, Elders, and Noise
Lamps, Creatures, and Worship
Praise from Angels and Men
The Sealed Scroll
The Prevailing Lamb
Prayers and Songs of the Elders
The Worthy Lamb
Praise from Thousands of Angels
Universal Worship
Introduction to the Seals
The Four Horsemen
Famine, Death, and Martyrs
Keep the Word, Have the Testimony
The Martyrs' Prayer for Vengeance
The Sixth Seal: Important, Impotent People
Two Groups of Saints
Those who can Stand
The Saints in Heaven
Earthly Promises for Saints in Heaven
Heavenly Background of the Sixth Seal
8:6-11:19, Seven Trumpets Charts on 8:6-12
Charts on 8:8-9:4
Charts on 9:1-4
Charts on 9:2-11
Charts on 9:6-21
Charts on 9:13-15
Charts on 9:14-21
Charts on 10:1-4
Charts on 10:4-11
Charts on 10:11-11:2
Charts on 11:2-4
Charts on 11:3-8
Charts on 11:8-13
Charts on 11:14-19
Notes on Rev 8b-11, The Seven Trumpets
Overview of the Seven Trumpets
Trumpets Two through Five
Fifth Trumpet: Locusts from the Abyss
Locusts from Exodus and Joel
From Locusts to Horses
Two Altars and the Character of God
Demon Horses from the Euphrates
The Little Book: Echoes of Daniel and Ezekiel
The Mystery: The Gospel of Judgment
The Divided Temple
The Two Olives Trees and Candlesticks
Who are the Two Witnesses?
The Great City and the Witnesses
The Seventh Trumpet
12-16, Seven Vials (Bowls) Charts on 12:1-5
Charts on 12:3-6
Charts on 12:6-9
Charts on 12:8-16
Charts on 12:13-17
Charts on Rev 13
Charts on 13:1-10
Charts on 13:5-18
Charts on 13:12-18
Charts on 14:1-5
Charts on 14:4-7
Charts on 14:6-8
Charts on 14:8-12
Charts on 14:12-13
Charts on 14:14-20
Notes on Rev 12-14, Actors in the Bowls
Charts on 15:1-4
Charts on 15:3-8
Charts on 16:1-21
Notes on Rev 15-16, The Bowl Judgments
The Woman and the Dragon
The Dragon and the Woman's Seed
War in Heaven
Satan Cast Out of Heaven
The Woman's Wings and the Serpent's Flood
Introducing the Two Beasts
The Beast out of the Sea
It was Given; the Beast out of the Earth
The Work of the False Prophet
A Glimpse of the Coming Kingdom
Qualifications of the 144,000
The Messages of the Three Flying Angels
Babylon's Bar and Grill
Patience leads to Happiness
The Final Harvests
Introduction of the Bowl Angels
The Smoke-Filled Temple
The Bowl Judgments
Third Vision "In the Spirit":
17:1-21:8, Defeat of Satan's System
17:1-19:10, Fall of the Great Whore
Charts introducing ch. 17-21
Charts on 17:1-3
Charts on 17:4-12
Charts on 17:8-16
Charts on 17:14-18
Charts on 18:1-8
Charts on 18:4-8
Charts on 18:7-19
Charts on 18:9-20
Charts on 18:20-19:1
Charts on 19:1-5
Charts on 19:4-10
Charts on 19:7-10
Notes on 17:1-19:10
Introducing Babylon, the Great Whore
The Woman Rides the Beast
The Woman's Clothing and the Angel's Explanation
The Beast, the Woman, and the Kings
The Destruction of the Woman
Introduction to Babylon's Funeral
Commands to Judge Babylon
Introduction to Babylon's Mourners
Three Parallel Laments
A Final Command and Doom from Heaven
Voices Praising Babylon's Conqueror
The Chief Musician and his Choir
The Marriage of the Lamb
19:11-21:8, The Lord's Return and Defeat of  His Enemies
Charts on 19:11-21:8
Charts on 19:11-16
Charts on 19:15-21
Charts on 19:19-20:3
Charts on 20:4-10
Charts on 20:11-21:2
Charts on 21:1-8
Charts on 21:2-7
Charts on 21:7-11
Notes on 19:11-21:8
The Rider on the White Horse
Details of the Rider's Appearance
The Messiah Resumes his Glory
Defeat of the Beast, and Binding of Satan
The Millennium and the Last Battle
The Great White Throne
Transition from Judgment to New Jerusalem
God's Relations with His People
The Final Exam, and the Bride of Christ
Fourth Vision "In the Spirit":
21:9-22:5, The Bride of Christ
Charts on 21:10-17
Charts on 21:14-21
Gates and Foundations of the New Jerusalem
Jeweled Foundations

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