The Lord’s Everlasting Zeal

This week’s study on Isa 9:7 explores the government that the Child of v. 6 will establish. Each of the four names that the child carries corresponds to a different aspect of this platform, illustrating the Bible  study principle, “Pay attention to repetition.”

Here is a summary of the correspondences.

Verse 7 Name
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, Prince of Peace
to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice Counsellor
from henceforth even forever Everlasting Father
The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this Mighty God

Notice that the order of the names is changed. The two outside names from v. 6, which present the Child as advisor to God, come first, while the two inner names, which emphasize his deity, come together at the end. This grouping is supported by the Hebrew accentuation, which puts the major division of the verse, not after “forever” as in English translations, but after “justice.”  The promised government was not active “from henceforth” at the time Isaiah spoke; the darkness was still approaching and the light lay in the future. But the Lord’s zeal, which would accomplish all that is promised, was certainly working and will never cease.


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