Tag: repetition

  • The Lord’s Everlasting Zeal

    This week’s study on Isa 9:7 explores the government that the Child of v. 6 will establish. Each of the four names that the child carries corresponds to a different aspect of this platform, illustrating the BibleĀ  study principle, “Pay attention to repetition.”

  • Three Reasons for Joy

    The study for Feb 15 expounds the three reasons that Isaiah gives for the joy described in 9:3. Each is introduced by the conjunction “for,” at the start of verses 4, 5, and 6. The repetition of logical connectives like this is a key indicator of how the author is developing his argument, and merits careful attention.

  • Immanuel’s Land

    Isaiah 7:1-8:10 is structured as a chiasm, with 7:17-25, the predicted coming of the nations against Israel, as its center and focal point. The encompassing material has three levels, organized as follows:

    Fear of the Syrian-Ephraimite Confederacy 7:1-6 8:11-15
    Futility of Opposition to God’s People 7:7-9 8:5-10
    Birth of a Symbolic Son 7:10-16 8:1-4
    Center: Fulfillment of the Vineyard Prophecy from ch. 5 7:17-25

    This week’s message deals with the first (8:1-4) and secondĀ  (8:5-10) of these levels as we work out way back out from the center. The first of these contains a promise of a symbolic son that balances, but does not fulfill, the Immanuel prophecy of 7:10-16, while the second, with two references to Immanuel, repeats the assurance of 7:7-9 that it is futile for the northern coalition to attack God’s people.

    (This post was erroneously entered originally on 1/12/09 as a page.)