Study questions on Isa 9:8-10:4 for 8 March 09

Judgment on the Northern Kingdom, 9:8-10:4

  1. Preview the entire section. How is its division into shorter paragraphs marked?
  2. Where have we seen this refrain before, and how was it previously used to compare the past and the future? (Note: Throughout this section, the verb tenses alternate between past and future in a most striking fashion. Most translations force them entirely into the future (AV) or past (NET). In fact, this variation strikingly emphasizes the point made in the refrain.)
  3. What common elements are repeated in each paragraph?
  4. As we work through the successive paragraphs, try to highlight the progression of thought from one to the next.


  1. See if you can find other places where the Lord sends a “word” (singular, not plural). Does this idiom describe a message, or something else?
  2. Review the record of the last days of the Northern Kingdom in 2 Kings 17. In what sense did God’s word “light upon Israel”?
  3. In v. 9, the verb form translated “shall know” is better rendered “knew” (past).
    1. What did they know?
    2. In the light of this knowledge, why is their statement in v. 10 inappropriate? What should they have said?
    3. How do these verses anticipate Rom 1:20-21?
    4. What principles do we learn here for speaking to unbelievers about the Lord?
  4. Verse 11 is an example of the shifting time references. “Join” is future, but “set up” and “devour” are past. Who is Rezin, and who are his adversaries?
  5. Who is the “him” against whom the Lord set up the adversaries of Rezin?
  6. Study the idiom of the hand stretched out in the OT.
    1. Contrast it with the idiom of the strong hand and the arm stretched out. Look for systematic differences in
      1. who does the stretching and
      2. whether the focus is on judgment or blessing.
    2. What is the prototypical example of each action?
    3. How do these observations illuminate your understanding of this refrain?


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