(If you are new to Christianity, please start here.)
Today (1 December), we study David's consecration as king in 1 Sam 16; 1 Chr 22 and 28-29; and the royal Psalms. Charts of the study are also available.
Next week, in the will of the Lord, Ron Nowlin will speak on the two annunciations in Luke 1, and the following week we expect to return to our study of Ruth.
Van's book on divorce and remarriage, Except for Fornication, is now in print, and available through Energion, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The Topical Studies page now includes a link to a separate page on the subject of Divorce and Remarriage, which will support materials associated with this book, and Van will discuss questions on the blog.
topThis page brings together a variety of Bible study notes, position papers, and links of interest to Christian believers who are led of the Spirit to live individually and corporately according to the patterns and teaching of the New Testament. Here's a high-level description of what you'll find.